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Berkshire Chronicle Reading_06-03-1914_00009.jpg

Berkshire Chronicle Reading_06-03-1914_00009.jpg

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'fa , n~ ~AKEN.


BY "Q 1',"

• "'<\,:;

I \,1;

f.!cn rcdy surp tl slng
tbe l~ ,,'
ot the Rea<h ng To" n Council ~t, ~, •

1ll't.. C' t11l £





The burning ttuoatioll

Febru a ry to Ilma.lg(\m~te ' h~ ..


two came up t. b e fope

T own Gouncil 11."t '
dfc1 ded to call .. a poll on tQ.e queshon
ReadIng · .."d Kendrick Schools
separatelJ', conduoted in future or
be <lrua lga<mal.!>d .
It ,,!III pe rememborOO
CommIttee of",the Whole
~JLding: Town _Counc\!.- at- its lasp
109, deClded b y ~be' narrow _ m"ibflty
to ~ 23 < to' amalgl}mate ' the , t",o
alld to apply to the BOarll 0 ( ' EduClltic'\1

nnd Kendr,ck School s was ebal-

nt, IM t nigh t's

~f }h,~" .

"1ec tmg


l' h(\t d ecis ion w,s come to
\\ Lilout al1th O Tlt~~ l"e lIlIorrno.tJon, and}'
t h ~ co mb , nat io n Jr mutua ll y a:nta.go~- .

\1\. 1


Th ose

r(1I (' l"",


econOlll ~'

1we re , actoated.....
" e re found aide "tiy


\\l th th Q6c \\ h o r ere
H'. d 10 11:1 )



t hem, ~~11
or ~ p e r sonal , ro unds

prt' Se n t schoo ls. 0lr

Ol, C o r



/ for


Ilv dfl vlIlg (orce (su<: h\ ae must eXist if'
11 \tJl l1 t1o na.,} p r oposa.! of the kInd pro-

\ hnd no

th eIr mtnds

d efinite




~\.~ l wo l

() l lc

apparent, and





The deci SIOn to take a poll wac
lIpon by 30 to 9. and '1' w"" a16Q
tliat a public meeting ellould be
yened, Mr, Bull,- who had given notice
m otion to upset th e counclJ's d eclSlOn
am algamate, withdrew It.
The tow n clerk read a lette r fr om
dep uty-mayor (AId J , W , Martml,
said that a Ions -standing engagement
It ImpossIble for h,m to be
- - -, < ->' --~

t he y d eSire d
I II L"o ur or .~ S<"hooJ or the K eodiick
II li 1\\ f'~ (' ::;-~ n ch a. school &..'\ is . un~
t dh
l d(>Cl.· ·f\l t y III
Rend i ng--others
1hat the educa.tlon gIven 8hould~ ·
II !:) III I h \.~ pl'('se n t u lIIve r slly s t ud Ies.


members of the

a l Hq:::t." b ()oy of the COlll?C ll 111 favour ot
p l ! r l.' 1I I t l l)"11lC}
In othe r words. , Ule
l [

sch em e.


~y lhe cohesion

I I, to be slIc c_ful)


Sinee that time the re has been a
action , as the d,fficult,es created by

pro ceede d




fa vour

Abram's no tice of motIOn th at a
rlt " ~'c lll'H": I " ore undoubted 'y t::l.ken at I
d r" \lh tllli:l ge. Th ey we ro i nced wiW ,
f l d th e I e hn.d b e elJ extrQ,,.!\.l~,
If R~ ' ,ldIlI R Sc hoo l nlld that t he cost

",' I"d

t.o t he rat.cs


\\ as




' r.~ d \\ ll h ()th e r t ow n s . Where
lh'J 1111 ... t,l k e \\1\.'5 IJ} aetlng , s o
.. ll h on t Ill S lllfor mnt lOlI \\,thout first aa 11Il 11\ 11lg; " h r U1 L'r t h e eX I.. llllH condI t ion
t h l l i g .. c<' Hd(1 he nn pro ve d , and wlth()Ut
Ill!: to r ('id Jsc the d l09a stroue \ con~
P1 C lh~~" o f 1\. l o ng und )ndefilllte p e rIOd

(,{) lll P




d {'I Il~ , l t c

t he

t ...' xt u,·c

text ure
Yo u
o r n sehool o r even

It hou t t he rl s k ()f very
rhe r easons why a
r \.-, I t 11 l <"J r,' S IJls boy to be ed ucated at &
,II I "1..' 11 (d nIP r- Qm e tll llcs ve r y difficult
lI ~l'
Thc ) n. r e o ft en huked up w ith
)' 1111 lit ~ncl old a s..-;ocwtJO IlS.
It ]s,
\ \ c ry <l1'aSf I C "'ter t o n it e r t h e
l).l ~ l " o f n sch ool by [\ chanc o nH\] or~
r ! . 11 or rh r c (' Rlll m ated by no coh e -

Th e

:c ..."t

th.t t he

counc Il

('o UII C' I I .... l lOu ki h ,\ voe t .~k<! 11 a


1 \ I II~

th ( ~('

c ~ sc n tln l

Vi,' l tli o ut

p ll... ·( ...... lOlI


t h em

n t ...ll \.'

n 1.: d~


~ lL l!


t r u s teeshi p of

vo te
th ey

p 06!il ble

n c \\ p o l c y


'1u"t 1on


, II

t \"



mO l e


f ~ rlI C O

r esolution i" t hat behal (, adopted

council .at th eir IMt

realI sed a no the fact

infoTmcd 11lOW

11111 acid ,,"po r ta"ce to the


Se pt ember, 1916



t ll ,l t " ~i t 1'= 101 1 a n ope n I ~ tte r ~o t he PORtIII I" ! ' r Gl llt: lld HIJP c ,~r c d JI1 t he co l umns of
Lil e .. Ch l (JII I(':e, J 111 whic h the neceSBltv
l o r f\ li e ". hca·d P Oi t O ffi ce wns urged, and:
,d te lL tin lL v. ns c alled to th e d e lnys cau'Eed
0) ~ h (' I n :,> umclC n c ~ of t he counte r sta ff a t
Bt OMI S t l ('(' l
A !-i 11.c \\flfl s uggested c om~

h llllllg the P ost Offi ce J ,,,th



..,Je\\s pu~ fo rwBrq by the
hrnll elc" aR to th ol madequncy o f t.he
in(; dJ t h.: t.; or U Le I wa.u PQ.')t Office we r e

Of1H I'

I" (

Th e

\\ ull l1l ) supp orted by man y of tI,e lendmg
tr .uk !-.Jl I<'! 11 of R("IUlllg , who, In th e course
o r I nLPn lt~ \\S \\ Itll Il. H Chr oni cle " repr.e·
1se ll,at l ve, e x prcl'6ed the ir VIBWB very
1f( 'I c::!1Jly fiR l() rll,e C.'Ll fi tl ll,q conth tloo of

, tl lln~ '

c u ur t..e OllS

Th e P<>!' tmafitc r Gene r a l sent'" ~ "
n:- ply

t hn t. the mattc t: should

,I"", at Lc ll t,on,

Sir R ufus Toanes took lip ,
ti ,e mutler ver j ,,,.. ml y, and ';' rote lo the "

" ( 111 0nJcle" po.rtt Jn ~ o ut that the matter- ..
' ll "d I", s) lIlplltlly nnd mterest.


I '1'0 11'\ COUr-;qL'S ACTION .
I ht, RcrHllOg:) To" n C<tu nc ll a dopted ..
Fl1lance, Committee £e ttlDg

J (> ~ CJlut l i)n o f Its

for lh t hc urgent. feed fo r the prov", on of
a. mor ~ {'o mmo(liou s fiead Poot Office 1n
\ Re adI ng a,nd tjtat mg theIr opullon thBt a ny
lI e \\ o nlc e sh ou ld' be s ltllnt.c in ()r ne ar the of t hc to wn.


Feb ru ary, 1911, a

U(·p ut l uo n ' from the ReadIng Town

\ ('1 1 " a lt ed. o n the P 06tmaste r -Gen
cx pr e~~ <l t he \ I€ W of th e council
en II re i" ne w omce should b e provIded
tl, " ce illr e or t tle --tQwn, Mr_ Samuel in\, ILe d nugge.9tlo ns Ils1to a. 8llie for [l new
P o!'; ~ Onl ee, a nd t h e the n m a y o r (Ald c rm BD


, Ma.rtm) s tuted that 111 the oplJll(ln of m
I t.h e beloi t. S i te wo u ld be one In FrlO. r
, alld o ue \\ h ere connection co uld b e
II shed ""U, t hc p~tese nt so r t ing

, Others cOlIs1der,e d hat the he ad
should I", In B rond Stree t
: mnli t c r Ge ne ral in
med the <l e pul.'~QO
Lh a t Uley w e l-e i' k ockwg at
(l-')() r." Sm ce 1..h 15 b ~ lle-three
t h e matter has l

r. eert



b ut t he re haVe> \beep many:
t he " aI' -. It 18 ra t ~ factory
jloon a st rut 18
bE! lmade.


meetin~ .

fo r a

for the combination or Rkading
th e Ke ndrick Boys' SchooL
Mr -!l ull: Wer e the l)~ard of

Il~ '\\

Ih ,' .. C III'HI, ele "


'"~ ~PI C6



th e

two or .tbree puPPY biscuile
y over them twice a day.
,.bOut '1.30 pm , IIlso ple nty
The "bove 1S 1\n answ" r to


a.<1ded paf t of Tll e-hur8t; I


Tlle. bor o.ugh 5Urveygr sta.ted· Th'o


aro four of t.hem : olle i. occumed po ....1 .. to .top 'Up trlio wo.te", P -f bo n of
tJ'l4n, onii by n wido .... r ond - hi. tho p~rt of Bath CoUrt whion has 'E~ ntly
undo, fourteen of age, ano by an i boon , mAde up pnd" l ,,,,,tlon 150 Jcl t ho
that k-ept th em b a ck Cronl tuking a poll h e
m a.:rrlCd couple , I\od one by & man, ;WIrO P?bhc H oo.l th AotJ 1815, . B.t;ld to Widen t o II
WBe prepared WIthi n a fortmght to !let ~ne
ono on11d,
Tb o routs of them vary WIdth 01 20 feet a pOI_hon of Iho Ipar! of
money. He ' fully believe d tbere we re '
28, 6d to 3.. 6d
I"r they I Bath Olurt loading into Mill,
6uffieient peop le mteresi€d in that matter m ee t A w ..n t, -Two of t.hem ate ,in good oon pa.rt of the cou rt hAS not 'becn d"ait With
t o' make It easy to collect th ..t s um , Tbere d1t ion, but two require some rep"ru, wllloh pumlant to _ li on 150 of the i Pubho H ealth
<-, to d 0 , 'fhe re Ac I , 1875.
An ord er 0 f I""
' t'1C,," W,I I h ave
were thope who unlike t.h lQa
we owne~ "....- s b oon reque• ...,"
otTthe' 6ther 'fue 6 '
yor an l·oh~~ La .. . """""it17" oI,"'Ioci" bouoe. U1: that ta be obtamed Jor t,e ,tonping up of t.ha
!D. e r s <t t1le councl} M1 par t. ot the b ?rough ~)"6eolution p a.eaoo. \ ~eet:orp P?rt io n of the court. ...a1le ,wid~.'
com e"to a peCl810n wlthout, acc!lnt.ely by tho Rcsdmg ~nd D,stnct Trail'll! ' and mil' referred t~ may qmst,tute - the laY-!lIg
knowll~ g the facte as th~y eXIste9 lD the Labour Couneil i. ' mlt corroot in' intPlying out-,af a now ' etrcct, an'd .\,,,uld th;"
P~.t (appI"'~).
thak tb. to"", c",,=1 }, ... d""ided to clear
'its , width In",,! bo 36 feet to comply
Mr, ~. Wlnt-er seconded. a.nd thnu ght , Somerset and W.~rron Pla~,.
The tllii ty.
the by -laws 10 force fwithm
that by passmg t he r esoluhon t bey would thn!e housoo whIch , boen - ,delnolieW
be taking the be8t~ conrse. " I'ha.t council there w«:,r6 o'psr ed away voluntarily by the
d e 1beratcly epent thousanes of owme~ wlthou~ l any IDtcr,!entl(~~ ~m the part
POUlid s on R eading Bch()ol in developing o.f.) tJi.o cougcll
I eornmlur It 15 very lde.. certai n typc of 6chool , aud before
,,,ablo that t]>c po~oe ... wolr ... .tho officer.
If the finaneial question was the only one



m~de ' all the y a.sked
r eg a rd to the queJilticn ID

·f\l teratJon was









counci1 1

ili vkllxl on t he q\leRtion ~J i
The to wn c le rk I lI'lfo rme d the
of the Board ,. hom I 8a,.l that t he
"as a narrow Olle,
The ma'yor ' snid he had b ~n
tlmc a poll co uld not be lego.lly
th at matter-th"t If he, as
office r, sent In the account,
d o '" the ,ord Ina ry COU I'&(', to Fund, or to the Educati on
(w hIch wou'd probably b~ tbe
ID this c ~s e) t he thr..
Eugnoo th ~ orde r ~

liable to

s uroharge d





the words " Marrin"ue 011

- -' -

"Mother." .!lid littl e Mabel, "do mis,
go to heaven f "
, of course, dear," her mother reIl

Do ea nnr b l\1s? "

"No, I nm nfraid' they 'don't."
Ie But,
moth e r," th e htUe girl in .. i steft.
if a cBnmbal eats a miFslOnRry. h e Il bav,"
gO, won' t h e? ' F_"Evening P ost. !>

• • •


Wife: "George, I want t o see th.t let-


H usband: "\Vhat l~tter, dti8 r1' ~

U Th!lt
one )Q'U just ope n ed
by ' the handwriting it ip. from 3
and vou turned pale when you r ea"
it here ,. sir 1"
LT ... . '- _~ ~ , . , H-ere it ie, d tllu.
It 18 f roD:\


. .

dressmnker. " - " Judge."

were quarrelling, and the wlte said
husband :
You we re bflght and sweet ' enollgh
Summer at M II.rgat<!, you old bear!
ust llke to know how many girls vou
love to at the 'hotel liefore you took

town oouDCll should hav~ the po-wer
the ~mmon lodging fa.~u~


~~ -~r~r't~~ ~~ rag apt;rD~~'



," the man groaned; "but 1
to count em up tIll It wn. too

It d Oe6 not apr: a t· the l ?,st forty years Rea dIng School h a d prep&Tt> C15 tlmaW!o. of tt\() probable ,oost
t}, nmq ue pOSitIOn m r ega.rd to tb~ number
h ouses lor (he working
of h oys ab ove the aile of 16
contain la' one hVlflg.roo~

m ade to the Boa.rd 111 acco rdan ce-

b-ec{)nll ll g a. big ce nt r e fo r

S Clh" llC
1t. IS IlLt ~ l e~ t l n g t o n ot.e t h n t
t h (o P I I''''(1 l1 t mO\ ClII{,lIt ror t h e Im p r{)VCm ent
uf It, I.I d ll l ,q 't'! p O<"t ~d .rued tles recc ncd 80 :
g l ("t l 1I1lpdl'S f r Ul 1l a.ll a,Lp l'lll(m l'i tUI t cd In



l:, G , MTl,N,E,
Tha t Ictte r , Mr. C lul,t.rbuek en Id, \Wl\S
In answer 10 th e applicat'on which


I t~ lvlt !lg IS

schoo l found a tIOn

nh' (! for t h e pllrpooc:.

I !I I ' d ;W POS T Orr- I CE
'1 It t 1 1, \ \ 1I J:s
h e cong r a lulatcd that a.t
l '"'I1~, h \' , , \1{' 01' l h ~ {'v{! of th e ('omllle nce1l 1€'IIL I r t il . . · P I ( \ (jOIl D r a ne w PO!5 t Office.
Th ,' U , illra ct ha." 110\\ b ee n 6 l g n f' d for t.h o
pOl l.. h L"'~ 01 t lll~f Q ueen's H ot el , anti wttllln
t\\ () 11' t) lL t h " t he pL Cfi ~ tlt bt, t-ill II CSS w ill h avo
(}(' l .... ' a
ullic SH a n , ti ung llll for~eell arIses.
As tllllC goc:-. O il toll .:! [1.(l\ n ll hg c6 of t.h e S I te )
t.h a t


th n t m t h(' prec;ent case t h f' re 16 sum ienl
~ndo\~mellt to pr01t: ido pcn6i() n sQ
I nm Sir,
Your obedie nt ~rvnnt. :

'I. .

,,)(' m Ol t!

kJ the

61dc, t hat they ca nn ot prope rly lnsert III that t he b urg"""""
have :"e";;.1
a ""he me o f the kind pl'opoRed "rrO~;B ion the opportul11ty of saylllt:! wh ethe~ t!'ey the chIef' oonstablo shall & apr,0illtcd as
authorI Sing the Q:rn.lIting of p e n8io n 8 ~ ex - wanted to ra.dlc!Iol}y . alter)n prll\ clple adrlitl()nRl insocctore o f(\ thaa:e p aoe~. """ t ti O fnr as the re IS . n do wment '''t ail- what had b eBn the pohcy of thtlt town for
It was deci dO!1 tbat the borollgh . urvoybr

r \\
cs tl ",a.t.e ~ or cnst ;or th e
-l I III (,S
8 t.he l <l t cpaye r s a , e to
ho p e t hey " I 1 t ry t.o th oro ughuIH 1L I-.., LuH I t I e g l .\\~ 1 ~~ue6 [\ 1. ~la ke
, ;


S ch ool to gr Ant p enJ'lons whlCh \PRS
CUR~pd nt the lIlterview} th c Boarc1~

\\ l ~ J~ (ll! ld h av e mu c h pr.efe rred
t ' ll! Ih , \\l l( oI L j lll r s h o uld h been
1 r )'1 d III t lh~ .~ Ed llca.t lo n
CO lnl mttc e to
pi' P It
~ f Ol!lpr,Cle a nd r ~l lU bl e r e po Tt on


what guar antee had-t.he that Aldermall Dryland ' would not
rcsolut i9D re.cllllli~g Mr -Bul1~V~ i.,,~o'f ~r
did tI t M B · ' n I e \ crs

t ll-k cn by a munic1p ~1 body , tho
would on :y d eal WIth the trust.
necessvry to e nable the sch ool
to b e ad mlT11stcr -ed togeth e r by
p OTl\tion na tJ'u.t"", for the
oondu ct by th em of ~ schoo
d etal1e of mjlllinistratJon (i
thei U
bo y)
b0 d
b 1stitutIOn'
• e
to ., "" i " ' I , V A ee
~trum~ llt or gov ern m ent which wQnld
mMlc by the corpor ation suhject to
BOArd' s llpprovnl
The Bonrd would
slnd to conSIder any Apecial points
m ay ansa 111 con nection WIth t h e
mont of £ove rnment, such, for
tn e co!lstitu t io n o f t h e go\> ermn g
"lith r ogard to t he qu est Ion. of the
of th e corp or atIOn a s trustees of t h e
in J< School .nd of the Ke ndri ck

' ) 11 (' ('tHl IH.: d h rn e IIOW ·dec Hl cd to tnke a
po ll IJf t ht!' LI rge.;;;<: ("'h
th e m ,\ t tc r to be
pi ('c ed " 0', a pu blIc meetmg . 00 t lui t both.
bHi p, of t 'le
Crl. 1l be put. bef o r.e the
t u\\ II
I 1 lnk1
" c d o not r ega rd a poll
II'" It III''' ' Iud nd u f 6etlllllg a n Intricate
II ' I I ! ' ,If 1111 :-.
lid D <> ub t1{,ES ve ry rew
\\ 1 1] \ ' !
:1,, <1 I l C' J"'-<; UCS IIIvo l v ed 1\t'c very 1r ldll )!

t ; Ih.; nh:",,+;;~i:""1

bou.ooe. ,

t: \, ll~ :). ' ("' P I n t h e <h .rk , W l UI th em
\. IIhld h a \ 1o:' c o r,l C t.Q !1 IIIll c h b-etter
11 , t i l l " I , J l l dl llg lh 'lll \\ IS t) t h (' r'\ l ~C


of llic.... !u le of the roo..d

Bull "now
' ";;~;;;'ti';,';;ilb.:";~ r eoomme nded ~ that the
cousldera t:on and
was o." rescinwng or-eso'u- M <to.
..9.Â¥,eetioD"""'Cf p';lrehaai~,! a
SUPPOSIng his r esolution w,.s carpf60cr reported: Tho town gor. for tl Ee In p.r""'·\nflO and

88 the co u ncd were 80 equa' ly

i _:~,:~J~.~jt;O~;~~~~lI\~a that ~t" .~~~~d' 'foWo~

h a v'c d Oll e wh e n they nrny el nt th e
l ' L'on III rn\ o tll' of nmnIgamat'v n was
1, l\t-' r c rc i re d t he qu esti on LO the E duca 1 (' d J)\l lllt t~e to d lSCP6 9 €ll ch qlle stioll S
lll l' plo bnb le cos t. QC Ollf' rtlld t"o
1 0 \ ~. nlld t he p o..:lslbl e lC\lgth. of
t lffiO
'} \\ m ild l.!l Ip::,a ly~ fo ro til<! ne w sch <!me
lh...' c..(I !lf.ll mm n t.erl
It l~ sn r p r Islng



01 let te ... fr om \' overhead cquip,!,ont" and tne qDC6tion of
n "tTld Trod",. and 4bou..- I'!-ymg daublc lme. In substitution' for tho
let ter , nddrMsed to h10l from the
EducI>tion :_
ra""h °df the W m'k ', smglo, lmes o( ~r.m"' ..y between t~.., Oxford
d fEd
Mr, A der, Rond and. Wokmgham Ro~(j tcrmml '
oar 0 i UCB. Ion )
\~ll "'ould' h3"V.e another ma.1l.. Mason (the
sto.Cin,l{ that the
' I'~rhe Dlin\1tes were pa.ssed .
WllItehall, London, S W.
re solutIOn uptettmg Alderm Ln Drylan,q'. housing accommodation for the ,worlull!!'
' I
19th F e bruary,
(l augbter). r A good many' of them h ad c1a.sge:8 In tile Tllchu"8t &rea of Jic borcr..lIrh
1. R eadl1lg
talked togeth er over that question of tak-, w"" rn',OOquatcl , I h&ve , inquine. 'PUllLTO CONVENIENO ~
2 , Rcadllll! School.
Ing a poll, ana altJlOugh it was impossib:e made wltb a " ewolo a.8Cartammp; the num- , "
3. K e ndrIck Boys ' School.
to guarantee the n.ction lof me mbe rs of the ber 01. n.o.uoos a( low rcn~ now vacan t 1Il
Sl r,- With I r efeTence to your ,nf.r'., A",,1 c<ijlnc11 as a bddy.he wae lustlfie d In say- tha borough,
So ,far as can be ascertain ed
at thIS office on tb c lil,h llIst" I
illS that a targ" nUnleer "f tb<!!Ie,jntercsted the number now unoooupio;d " re: 4 at' 2.
d rr~ctecl to state t hat the Board would
on both sld~ had proctlCally allreed tb at &I., 3 e.t 3. It.t;3', Ed., . l at 3, 9-1., I?
PI epare d to unde rtake the
th e w 6hld ' b ' th- d "
f II ..t 49" a lld 21 at,~., {)d.
The inform.tlon . T.ho I-hghw.yo Co,mml t teo'. mmutos oon·
.chcm. 10 effect th apoll i f '
h e , Y I e eOI",ontho ,t e hn. boen Obta1 ~pd fr om ¥r~"j'cn hDUSC agents, -~inb~ the- Ioll ~wing: The"b~rough ,I." ,;oyor
b t
or tb d'ffisUC a s tmp -e way ~8
~i qut Whon th e lc8.sOEI o f t"-o remaining .hou.~cs I submItted correspondence fw;n Messrs S
Ion c wee n
1 culty cDuld be found h<! thought m Somerset P1a90 and W a,rcn Plnoo expire F , MIller, Vardon nnd Ml!ler, 01 , London
~~~~;'~~ ~~lI>S:'e~~;x'r!rlviSOd
cou nCIl ough t to tak -: It lapplause), in ' a fow years' t Ip'. thcr.<>.' hoil~-."'i1l prob- \ a,nd Mr W R , H o.,y.,ll , of ll:cad1n'g, rcla: I
_ Ie coet ot .. poll was £200, and they t ablV be demoliohcd, ~ i lbeo - t ire tenant. live tD tbe al}erabons , to ' Bath I Court
ecd ure n"de r t he Endowed School..
would be told there wM no machine~y by wlll h"yo to seek other hoo,..,;' ' Some of : Mes·f s. B1d,e rry. have Pl',dwed the res t
wou ld be Ol e nlQ6t appropriate for tbe
means of which th~1L could get the money, them OO<lld not affor d tQ~"y bigher rent.s, \ of ilie prOlfeTty on the so,uth' "de 01 Bath
pose d sclleme .
and that ~t wou 'd have to Qe found by but ther.. are .othe:, wli-;" I'rob. b'y oould Court for .tk. "u~p""" of !"ork. hoJl8 ' in oon·
I n aecordan oe wit.h t he practice
thoee gentlemcn who sign'Cd the order for ead ought to Itva m better cl...
n&,t:on WIth thou b ,:slll.,,., and . eo pro·
ndoptcd by t he Board ill cases
paym~nt ot the expe nse. of the poll ,
to the collages wit" 9nly ().M PC(1ln.3 b erect ricwi promi!"""

1~' j !4 1J to (1 0 "0 .\
Id~~ )1 ...' ,1(1 11I JHr v


]8 esaentla Hy' a. question f or. the

'n le tow n cle rk the n r ead the oll,t l machinery i.e

J lllllh

to d<!fray
he 008t
t wo week'aJPOm
tbis tdate
re re renduOl 16, In my opimoft, the

11 1 ul.

lll l~t

taken, provide d B guarantee fun d

M r, Rab.on enld he " ould support _ the
As the counCIl we re practicalIy equnlly diVIded ~e ratepayer. 6bould
hnve the opport u nity to vote, and then
WIth them would ,r<16t Ipe ,responsibili ty.

ansi· (h) one livlng·room

r esolutIon.

-Alderman Dry land h e was qu; te
prepare,1 If' .support. tho r esolution, not
hO I tho)Jght ,t was nece8l!ary but
be thought it was expedient. It
was said that the re6(f ution in favour
tlI& one-scbool scheme w':s only'
0. v-ery 'narrow maiori'tY.
It V:!'&8
fled after It hrr.d been dl,scu.sed flret at a
private moot ing, then', at a confe renc e
w ith the B oard of Eduoation, afte rwards at
_ " committee l meetillg of the Whole
cil, 'and then a t a mbetirr'g of ,the
Quite tw<!lve hour. ll&d heen apent
the mntt.e r, and, If the 'memb~rs had
by., ttu.. t time made
ne~er would, At
were only threo a!>l,e[\t--9 0ujlc:,II!,i
who was a one-eeboolle r
,0I'e,'''lhOOle r·-IIMr.

which 10011 lik e little
belOS CUltivated 'by







wht"' k c r s ,

Will make
scoll': •
out of place o n your 9weet hQe:
y<)t1 ' d shave them <lfi'."

Maud to Claude " I mean to be a6

~;.. ~~~j~\o~.:!~~; :;e.

my wprd
-are absurd I
L~~~i~,~~~t;~t!!~i~1~~~r~~~~f~~~~~,;';, ! I,~ Upon
other you





n>y new T ongotle curl. "
1 • • •,

stU<lent w.;. haul ed
for exceeding hi&. ] e a V43 .

b efor e the

Well I " sa,d the profC6Sor.
I'm &wful1y sorry," said t he ull der~
II I rea lly cou1dn·t gct b ack be ..
deboined ~Y Important bus.i-